The Story behind the Mask Map

kiang @ NDI Taiwan INFO/tegrity Workshop 2021-06-29

Whoami: kiang

  • a g0ver

  • Web Developer

  • Political Worker

  • Dad of 2 kids

Pharmacies Map for Facial Mask Purchasing

Realtime mask stock info in the map

Locate the user automatically

Search & filter pharmacies

Combined multiple open data

Open source

The story began ...

Minister Audrey Tang(au) provided information in g0v slack channel

g0vers' collaboration using hackmd

Embed community efforts in government's website

Promoting using the power of government

Lots of people visiting

People still have to stand in the line

Communities' sites share the loading successfully

Minister Audrey Tang fixed the bug directly

Cloned for South Korea

Challenge - Number Plate

Stock quantity not in sync

Collect the selling methods of pharmacies

The government call out for speeding up the information collection

New feature was built based on the requests of community

The unknown parts

New firewall rules blocked the program

New government unit to sell the masks

The name of fields or files got changed


Mask map could be built in just one night

But the data getting ready took more than 20 years

And it's hard to maintain a public service for 1+ years

Taiwan is no longer a success story containing the Covid-19 pandemic

It's not perfect,
let's make it better.

A better Taiwan